Friday, 21 January 2022

7 Ways Chartered Accountant Firm Can Help Your Business


Chartered Accountant Firm in Gurugram  plays a pivotal role in managing, bookkeeping, financial statements preparation and tax compliance for businesses of all sizes. Read here the 7 ways how a professional CAs firm helps your business to grow!

1) Maintain Tax Compliance: Any business that has sales turnover more than Rs. 1.5 lac in any financial year or has capital transactions are required to file their Income Tax Returns with tax authorities. Maintaining regular filing of returns is crucial for the sustenance of business. Along with the regular filings, CAs are also responsible for preparing audited financial statements at prescribed time intervals as decided by the company law.

2) Technical Advice: The company law requires every private limited company to appoint a director or a senior manager as a Company Secretary. In addition, a public limited company should have a whole-time Company Secretary at the helm of affairs. These individuals are responsible for ensuring that decisions taken by the Board of Directors do not violate any statutory provisions and also to take care of governance-related issues. CAs are the best advisors for a company in this regard as they have a thorough understanding of various laws governing companies and taxation policies.

3) Financial Advice: The Company Secretary is also responsible for ensuring that financial decisions taken by the Board of Directors do not violate any statutory provisions under the Companies Act 2013. In order to take appropriate financial decisions, it is imperative to understand the available options. For this, CAs are best advisors to guide you through all possible ways of financing.

4) Securing Loan: When your business requires additional funds for its activities or wants loans for any other purpose, professional CA firms can help securing loan easily by analysing the company's books and can help apply and negotiate best possible terms for the loan.

5) M&A: Mergers and acquisitions is one of the most crucial decisions that any company has to take considering its long-term effect on the overall health of business. A professional CAs firm can guide you through all possible alternatives so as to maximise shareholder value in both the scenarios i.e., whether to merge with another company or sell it off entirely.

6) Cash Flow Management: Many a times, businesses require additional cash inflow for the smooth running of the operations and also to meet their day-to-day obligations like tax payments etc. In order to manage this within an effective manner, businesses prepare a cash flow forecast and then executes it through different mediums like bill discounting, bank loans etc. Before approaching any such alternative channels for cash inflow, professional CAs firm can advise the business as to which technique would be suitable for you considering your long-term goals and objectives.

7) Drafting Corporate Documentation: For smooth transactions within a business, documentation is of utmost importance. In order to avoid complications in future, Chartered Accountant Firm in Gurugram prepare different types of corporate documentation as per the requirement of the business and advise on whom should execute those documents. This corporate documentation not only benefit businesses by providing a legal shield but also mitigate risk for both buyers and sellers in case of future disputes that may arise due to any reason.



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